Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Union Organizing in the condition Care business - New Unions and Alliances Among Rivals

Kaiser Health Plans California - Union Organizing in the condition Care business - New Unions and Alliances Among Rivals
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Though our nation's cheaper has recently lost millions of jobs, the condition care business has prolonged to add them. Not surprisingly, unions are eager to sign up condition care workers. In the last 10 years, the rate of union wins in the condition care business has grown faster than the national average. Unions are uniting to lobby for labor-friendly legislation to promote increased union membership in the condition care sector.

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How is Union Organizing in the condition Care business - New Unions and Alliances Among Rivals

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In expanding to original organizing, condition care union organizers are using more radical corporate campaigns that target hospital donors, shareholders, community groups, and even patients. The unions push these target groups to put pressure on hospital owners to allow unions to manufacture their employees. Many critics have argued that some of these agreements with employers have greatly exiguous workers' power and emphasized the union's cooperation with management.

The following description provides an summary of the major unions complicated in the condition care industry, as well as strategies to ensure your assosication is prepared and remains successful.

Service Employees International Union
The aid Employees International Union (Seiu) began in 1921 primarily as a janitor's union and branched out to comprise government, security, and condition care workers. By 2000, it was the largest, fastest-growing union in the United States, with much of that growth stemming from a series of strategic mergers with smaller unions. In June 2005, the Seiu and six other unions left the American Federation of Labor and Congress of market Organizations (Afl-Cio) to form the convert to Win coalition. Citing the need for a renewed attempt to manufacture workers, convert to Win purports to be focused on achieving fair wages, condition care benefits, and collect withdrawal for all employees. The coalition also encourages workers to unionize on an industry-wide basis, consolidating smaller unions within larger unions.

Seiu Healthcare
In 2007, the Seiu announced plans to begin a new condition care union to serve approximately one million members, such as nurses and aid workers at hospitals and nursing homes. Seiu Healthcare combined financial and personnel resources from the 38 local Seiu Healthcare unions. Of the Seiu's 1.9 million members, 900,000 work in condition care. In September 2008, the Seiu reported it would begin any high-profile projects to bring business leaders, condition care providers, community organizations, and elected officials together to work on the nation's condition care system. Seiu leaders were part of a May meeting held by President Obama to discuss a condition care overhaul. More recently, Seiu members attended town hall meetings to speak out in hold of the proposed condition care reform. In August, the Seiu was part of a group-largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry's lobby-that launched million in television advertisements to hold Obama's condition care proposal. This group, the Americans for carport quality Care, could spend tens of millions more this fall.

Seiu and Nuhw
The Seiu attempted to join three local units representing home condition care workers into one unit last December, taking authority away from the local units. The Seiu accused the local unit officials of financial misconduct, and in response, the leaders of the local units criticized the Seiu's convention of centralizing power at its Washington headquarters and development corrupt deals with employers. In January, a 150,000-member Seiu local unit in Oakland was put under trusteeship by the Seiu, and the local officials of that unit were dismissed. The ousted officials formed a new union, the National Union of Healthcare Workers (Nuhw).

The Nuhw announced the first workers had cast votes in favor of representation by the new union in March. A majority of 350 union-represented workers at four nursing homes in northern California managed by North American condition Care wanted to end their labor connection with Seiu and join the Nuhw. The day after this announcement, the Seiu filed unfair labor convention charges against the four nursing homes, charging that administrators of the facilities had illegally withdrawn union recognition and colluded with a contentious labor union. In that same month, a National Labor Relations Board regional director ruled against the Nuhw, saying that the contract between the Seiu and the hospital chain prevented the attempt by a new labor union to laid out 14,000 Catholic Healthcare West workers. Despite the ruling, the founding convention to formally begin the Nuhw took place in April 2009. Agreeing to the Nuhw, approximately 91,000 California condition care workers have signed petitions filed at the labor board, stating they would like be members of the new union.

The Nuhw also claims that, in response to these decertification drives, the Seiu has resorted to harassment and intimidation and tactics similar to union prevention. The Seiu argues that the new group has unfairly restrained and coerced workers, as well as complained to the National Labor Relations Board. A decisive battle between the two unions will come in 2010, when the Seiu-Uhw contract with Kaiser Permanente expires and the opportunity for decertification elections reopens. Kaiser, the largest condition care provider in California, has 50,000 workers that could potentially become members of Nuhw.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
The California Nurses connection (Cna) began as a state episode of the American Nurses connection (Ana) in 1903. The Ana has a federated structure: Nurses do not typically join the assosication directly, but instead join their respective state organization, which has membership in the Ana. After any years of believing the Ana was not providing them enough financial hold to growth communal bargaining performance in California, the Cna broke ties with the Ana in 1995 and formed its own union, becoming the first state assosication to secede from the Ana. Since its break from the Ana, the Cna has acquired a credit as one of the most aggressive labor unions in the country. In 2004, the Cna began establishing itself in other states under the name National Nurses Organizing Committee (Nnoc). The Cna voted to seek affiliation in the Afl-Cio in 2007. Cna membership has doubled over the last seven years and represents 80,000 members from all 50 states.

In February, Cna/Nnoc, United American Nurses (Uan), and the Massachusetts Nurses connection (Mna) announced the formation of other new union: the United American Nurses-National Nurses Organizing Committee (Uan-Nnoc). With a combined membership of more than 150,000 affiliates in 19 states, it is the largest nursing union in the history of the United States.

National Federation of Nurses
The National Federation of Nurses (Nfn) was officially launched in April at an event in Portland, Oregon. The Nfn represents more than 70,000 nurses in six state nurses' associations, including New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Based on a federated model (much like the Ana), the Nfn recognizes the independence of each member organization. Membership is open to state nurses' associations and other labor organizations that laid out Rns. The Nfn is tied to the Ana, which outlines standards for nursing practices, but has historically opposed nurse unionism and includes managers in its leadership. Since nurse union leaders expect many of the 15 unions with nurse memberships to flood hospitals with authorization cards if the laborer Free option Act (Efca) passes, they want to manufacture their own national union to ensure nurses are organized by nurses.

Seiu and Cna: From Violent Disputes to Cooperative Agreements
The Seiu signed a neutrality business agreement in March 2008 with an Ohio Catholic hospital to manufacture 8,000 workers. The day before voting was scheduled to begin, members of the Cna distributed leaflets to discourage workers from joining the Seiu. After the workers received the leaflets attacking Seiu and its arrangement with supervision for an election, Seiu called off the vote. Then at an April 2008 discussion in Detroit, Seiu staff and members protested at a banquet of Cna members, resulting in violence. The two unions have also launched raids and counter-raids across the country, and both have sent mailings to thousands of nurses (including nurses in other unions, as well as nurses whose unions are currently trying to organize) attacking each other.

After more than a year of fighting, the Seiu and Cna signed a cooperation business agreement in March. They will work together to bring union representation to all non-union Rns and other condition care employees, as well as heighten patient care standards. The unions have also agreed to refrain from raiding each other's members and will work together toward coarse goals, including lobbying for congressional tube of the Efca. Seiu and Cna will coordinate campaigns at the largest condition care systems and begin an intensive national organizing campaign. Catholic hospital chains will likely be among the first targets.

In June, the U.S. discussion of Catholic Bishops and the nation's largest unions (including the Seiu and the Afl-Cio) signed an business agreement describing how union organizing will be conducted at Catholic condition care facilities. (The document is similar to the one Catholic Healthcare Partners and community Mercy condition Partners created last year with the Seiu before the Cna protest canceled the vote.) This business agreement is essential because Catholic condition care providers laid out the largest employers and providers of services in many communities. The business agreement provides seven guidelines for supervision at Catholic condition care facilities and unions, development it easier manufacture condition care workers at these facilities.

What This Means for Your Organization
Many experts agree that wide unionization, along with the tube of the Efca, will negatively impact our condition care system. Both condition care providers and business analysts fear that unionization could mean higher costs and more restrictive work rules, adding to the soaring cost of delivering condition care. Hospital and condition care facilities need to be aware of these issues and how they can educate their supervisors and workers about the threat of unionization.

Communication with your employees is a essential first step. Many issues are complicated in the inherent unionization of a condition care premise (economic factors, working conditions, quality of patient care, laborer satisfaction, etc.). To put in order for inherent union activity, identify issues that are relevant to your premise and address those needs publicly. Train leadership and comprise facts about your union-free procedure in the laborer hiring and orientation procedures. Assess your wage and benefit structure, and be sure to promote what you offer.

You can use brochures, meetings, video, webinars, e-mail, Web sites, or eLearning tools to reach your employees. The most effective efforts comprise an laborer feedback ideas that encourages two-way communication.

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